Store your belongings safely with our self-storage in Bellingham, Washington.
General Managers Alexa Johnson & Liz HOWE
You have a dilemma. You don't have any storage space left in your home or apartment, but you don't want to get rid of anything either. But something has to give so your house can feel less cluttered.
Luckily, Bakerview Self Storage offers self-storage in Bellingham, WA, so you don't have to agonize over throwing your treasures away. For 13 years, we've helped residents safely store what matters to them. And you won't have to worry about wear and tear when you use our clean, modern facilities.
Phone 360.733.2600
4087 Bakerview Valley Road
Bellingham, WA, 98226
Office Hours:
By Appointment only
please call or email
Afternoon & Sat Appointments available
Facility Access :
6am-9pm 7 days a week